About MobibI Invest

What makes Mobibi Invest different?

Changing the way property is sold
One sale at a time

Founded out of the frustration of practices often seen in the industry, Mobibi Invest has a different way of thinking compared to other property companies.

With decades of experience selling investment property here in the UK, as well as across the globe – the Middle East, Europe, and the US, most notably – the Mobibi Invest team is well-versed in what to do, and what not to do when it comes to selling property.

All too often, property marketeers and pushy salespeople don’t have the client’s best interest in mind and shoehorn investors into property investments that aren’t the ‘best in class’ when taking the client’s needs and financial aspirations into consideration. Regularly offering them properties that are in areas or developments they are familiar with, rather the sourcing the very best option for the investor. This is where we differ from the others.

Rather than merely aligning ourselves with one developer or one city, we constantly scour the market to find the best opportunities around meaning we can truly align what we offer our clients with their specific needs. It is with this philosophy that Mobibi Invest was born – offering truly impartial, informed investment advice with the client’s best interest in mind.

Why choose us?

We provide full service at every step.

Wide range of property options to suit all Investors.

Whether it be city centre apartments, purpose-built student accommodation or hidden gems in the commuter belt, we have it all.

Decades of combined experience – in the UK and internationally.

Mobibi Invest has a team that has been built around experienced, like-minded professionals eager to pass on their knowledge to our clients.

Mortgage experts and lawyers on hand to assist.

We have a number of independent experts readily available to assist with your purchase, whether it be financially or legally.

Locations for every investor's budget and criteria.

As different parts of the UK vary so much in price, yield and growth, we have a wide selection to satisfy any investor's goals.

In the modern world, there are many asset classes to choose from that can give you a return on your investment. Some riskier than others, some safer, some that are simple and others that are of truly baffling complexity to mere mortals. Equities, futures, bonds, cryptocurrencies, loans notes, gold, silver, commodities…the list goes on.

However, a firm favourite with investors worldwide comes from the perceived simplicity, tangibility, and above all, the familiarity of good old bricks and mortar. Property.

Ultimately, we have all lived in property. Many of us have rented at some point, watching our own hard-earned cash line the pockets of our landlords. And, for most of those who are existing property owners, we have seen our assets increase in value, often substantially. To add to this the tangibility of property is not to be overlooked – not only, is it very profitable but you can touch, smell, and see it. The popularity of property investment is apparent for all to see.

Now, as straightforward as investing in property can appear, it can still be a minefield, for some, who perhaps, are unfamiliar with the industry and can be bamboozled by the sheer volume and variety of options available to them.

Many can potentially be susceptible to catchy sales pitches or flashy literature and well-written articles which, often can be partisan at best and sometimes outright biased towards a particular project, area, or developer. All too often many agents and marketeers purely have their own interests, and pockets, in mind, rather than the interest of you, the client, whose hard-earned savings are potentially at stake.

This, however, is how Mobibi Invest differs from many of the others. Born out of the frustrations of many years in the industry and seeing how many counterparts conduct themselves, and their approach to dealing with clients, we wanted to be different. We are not one of the many, but one of the few.

There is a wrong way of doing things, and the Mobibi way.

Our aim is to assist, guide, advise and above all, educate you on each opportunity with the sole purpose of helping you to make an informed investment decision based on your outlined criteria – your budget, attitude to risk, long or short-term goals and general financial plan as to how to best utilise your hard-earned savings.

In fact, we prefer to not even discuss a specific project, or property, prior to understanding in full your exact criteria and goals through an initial consultation. You tell us what you need to achieve, and we help you achieve it.

We would rather lose a sale than sell you something that is not fit for purpose. This is what makes us different.

So, why is property investment not just a popular choice, but an excellent choice for anyone looking to increase the size of the portfolio, and above all, wealth?

Below, I’ve highlighted four key factors which are fundamental reasons why a property is such a fantastic investment option for anyone looking to be in a better financial position tomorrow than they are today.

House prices look set to continue increasing

One of the basic laws of supply and demand is “If the supply stays the same and demand increases, the price will go up.”

Whilst many homes are being built across the UK the number required to plug the current undersupply falls very short of what is required. Even more so when continued population growth is factored into this scenario.

The UK still has a serious shortage of housing caused by many social and demographic factors. Unlike other European countries, our population is expanding significantly.

According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), it is predicted to reach 69.2 million by 2030 compared to 67.1 million in 2020 – a rise of 2.1 million or 3.2%.

More people living in the UK means that the demand for housing will carry on increasing therefore driving up the price of property for the foreseeable future. According to the Office of National Statistics, there will be an annual shortfall of housing in the UK of over 100,000 properties each year for the next decade.

These factors have seen house prices, on average, increase from £174,179 in England in January 2010 to £291,560 in January 2022 – an increase of £117,381 – or a massive 67.3%. With all contributing factors pointing to this trend continuing – with a predicted 30% growth by 2030 – there really couldn’t be a better time to invest in property.

High rental demand, high rental returns

With house prices rising beyond the affordability of many, the rental market is not just buoyant, but over-stretched. Many places across the UK have little or no rental property available due to the overwhelming demand.

Whilst properties are being built across the country, the demand is still outstripping supply with this being reflected in ever-rising rents. With increasing rents, of course, come increasing yields for investors.

Whilst the cost of property nowadays means the high yields of yesteryear are a thing of the past, those in a position to capitalise on a good investment today can benefit from this property shortfall, and of course, the capital growth that comes with it. Particularly if you can leverage your purchase with the aid of a mortgage.

Low interest rates

Whilst interest rates have been very low for the last 10 years, hitting an all-time low of 0.1% in 2020, they are gradually creeping up again. Whilst only now at 1.0%, making borrowing still very cheap, global economic and political uncertainty will almost certainly push these rates up in the coming months and years.

Whilst we are unlikely to get anywhere near the eye-watering 17% record high of 1979, or even that of the early ‘90s, it would be very prudent, if investing in property is something you are considering, to lock in a 5-year fixed-rate mortgage at today’s prices whilst borrowing is so cost-effective.

With mortgage payments currently at their lowest and ever-increasing monthly rent, landlords can enjoy significantly higher rental income making it an ideal time to invest in the property market in the UK.

There are plenty options currently available

One of the best things about building a property portfolio is the fact there are so many different types of property asset classes available and different variants of each on offer to meet the requirements, and satisfy the goals, of any level of property investor.

Many choose to invest within the residential sector where you have to decide between family homes, city centre apartments, HMOs, commuter-belt properties, townhouses or even penthouses and that is before you settle on whether you want to take advantage of an off-plan development or prefer a property which is completed or nearly completed.

After all of this, you have the option of renting the property to tenants on long-term tenancies, or ASTs, or finding somewhere that allows you to take advantage of the short-term let market with potentially higher yields. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Or perhaps you’d prefer some commercial property to diversify your portfolio? If so, you could choose between student property – purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) – retail units, office blocks, warehouses, or holiday lets or chalets.  The options are plentiful.

Whatever it is that works for you, we a Mobibi will be able to assist. Even if you can’t see what you are looking for on our website, please do feel free to ask, we have plenty of ‘off-market’ developments and properties available which may well be exactly what you are looking for. 

Just give us a call or enter your details below and one of our senior consultants will be keen to run you through the options.

Featured Properties

A selection of some of the best property investment opportunities from across the UK.


In the words of Mobibi’s clients.

    Find your perfect property investment.

    If you would like to find out more about exactly how we can help you achieve your financial goals through property investment and, of course, why we are different from the others, please do get in touch today for a no-obligation consultation.

    Likewise, even if you can’t find what you are looking for on our site, our decades’ worth of experience means we can find some off-market opportunities that could work for you.

    Get in touch today to see how we can help.